Category / Kenya

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  • machakos

    6 Places You Must Visit In Machakos County

    Writer: Watching water flow up a hill is a wonder to behold. All you need to do is ask Come Travel Kenya Limited for a Road Trip, from Nairobi City to Machakos County. Machakos County is amongst the counties that are close to Nairobi. This implies that you can tour both Nairobi and Machakos…

  • Mount Suswa conservancy

    5 Top Places To Visit In Narok County

    Writer:   Keyaa toi Ikanaabo! That is how you say ‘What’s Up People!’ in Maasai. Narok County is the home of the Maasai People of Kenya – The famous indigenous tribe of Kenya.  Narok County is simply stunning. It is endowed with striking sceneries, biodiversity and a picturesque landscape. The vast pieces of land…

  • mothers day

    5 Places To Go And Tons Of Things To Do For Ourselves And Our Moms On Mother’s Day In 2024

    Mothers’ Day is special for moms, aspiring moms, former moms, and women. Celebrating Motherhood should be done in style always. I don’t know which one of the following places or things I will be doing on Mother’s Day to celebrate myself yet. However, I know where I will take my mom and given a chance…

  • horse riding

    Go On A Horseback Safari In The Following 10 Spectacular Places

    Writer: The Maasai Mara – The Three in One Choice 7 Days Ride It is hard to sum up the magic of a horse safari in the Masai Mara or to capture its energy and wonder –but we can say that this ride will leave you addicted! I am talking about exhilarating riding, professional…

  • taita hills

    10 Things And Places To Visit In Taita

    It is not just the gentleness of the people of Taita Taveta, it is the entire beauty of Taita Taveta County. Taita is the home of the famous Tsavo. It is located on the edges of the Kenyan Coast. Taita Taveta is 200 Kilometers Northwest of Mombasa and 360 kilometres Southeast of Nairobi.  This is…

  • amboseli

    Amazing Places And Things To Do On A Kajiado Safari

    Writer: Emily Wekulo Kajiado County is less than an hour’s drive from Nairobi city on a day when traffic is flowing fluidly.  The mention of Kajiado instantly brings three things to mind: rich indigenous Maasai Culture, barbecue and Ngong Hills.  Kajiado is the home of elephants of Amboseli where you get to see Kilimanjaro…

  • nyeri

    9 Things To Do And Places To Visit When Touring Nyeri County

    Nyeri is a county that flows with Kenya’s earliest history. This is the home of the most first white settlers as well as freedom fighters. White settlers knew that Nyeri was the choicest destination then, and now, Nyeri is one of the most beautiful, serene and picturesque counties in Kenya. A tour of Nyeri County…

  • evolution of Kenyan Safaris

    The Evolution Of Kenyan Safaris And Tourism

    Writer: Emily Wekulo You have not been on a Safari yet, if you have not been to Kenya. Kenya gives the best Safaris in the whole of Africa. South Africa could be better but still, Kenyan Safaris are the most epic, classy and safest.   Kenyan Safaris are also futuristic and give room for…

  • Karura Forest

    Here Are A Few Things You Should Know About Karura Forest

    The Late Professor Wangari Mathai is one of the many reasons why Karura Forest is an iconic destination in Kenya. She fought tooth and nail to ensure that the forest is what it is now. Professor Mathai won the Nobel Prize for her efforts to conserve this forest. You can take a hike, enjoy the…

  • travelling alone

    Tips On Travelling Alone In Kenya, In 2024

    Writer: Emily Wekulo At some point, you are going to get tired of crowds. You could be already experiencing a social burnout and you probably just want to go away alone. Work and colleagues are sometimes overwhelming. What about a getaway to a quiet place, alone? Is motherhood or fatherhood overwhelming you? Do you…