mothers day

5 Places To Go And Tons Of Things To Do For Ourselves And Our Moms On Mother’s Day In 2024

Mothers’ Day is special for moms, aspiring moms, former moms, and women. Celebrating Motherhood should be done in style always. I don’t know which one of the following places or things I will be doing on Mother’s Day to celebrate myself yet. However, I know where I will take my mom and given a chance I would gladly celebrate with fellow young mothers.

The places below are fit for mothers of all ages and calibres. They are fun, thoughtful and inspiring. Come Travel Kenya Limited has compiled them to help you have a blast as a mother or treat a mother to amazing moments on Mother’s Day this year.

Come, let us make Mothers’ Day 2024 memorable by:


Booking three days getaway on a private beach on the Kenyan Coast

coast beach

Diani is always the number one place for all mothers. However, Come Travel Kenya has its fingers on all the amazing beaches, hotels and islands on the Kenyan Coast.

Would you love something intimate, pulled out of a beautiful novel? Then go to Malindi. Mombasa is for lovers of wild waters. The Coast offers the following extreme beach experiences:

  1. Water sports
  2. Swahili Cuisines
  3. Exploring old towns and historic sites
  4. Interacting with Swahili Moms and their intricate cultures
  5. So much sand
  6. A lot of snorkelling, boating activities, canoeing,
  7. Ocean Deep Exploration
  8. Beach sunsets on a horse

It is not just about the water and beaches; Mother’s Day can happen in a Game Reserve on the Kenyan Coast. Has your mother been to Shimba Hills Game Reserve yet? There are various Game Parks, Nature Trails, and Kaya Forests that a mother can enjoy while on the Coast.

This is one valid reason why you need Come Travel Kenya Limited to plan your Coastal Mothers’ Day.  If you are not a Water Lover, or Your mom is not one, then you can check out the…


Best Safari Experience in Kenya at The Maasai Mara

mt longonot

You can never go wrong with:

  1. A Game drive for a whole day in the Maasai Mara
  2. A wild experience on a horse for Kilometers
  3. A serene Lodge, waiting to wake up to swimming elephants
  4. The roar of lions
  5. Bonfires in the wild
  6. Picnics in the wild
  7. Animal sighting
  8. Bird watching and the most epic…
  9. Safari in a hot air Balloon.

I know mothers are mostly not adrenaline junkies and these extreme wilderness experiences may not be their thing. That is what you think.

Come Travel Kenya Limited has planned safaris for Mother’s Day in the past for mothers and they had the time of their lives. Grab a Safari Package on the website and work on early booking and itineraries.


A City Tour – In Nairobi


Spending Mother’s Day in Nairobi. Let me suggest a few things you can do for a day, two or more days of celebrating motherhood. After all, Mother’s Day is only once a year.

  1. Book yourself or your Mom in an exotic, luxurious hotel
  2. Step out for a specialized dinner – let’s say Italian or Ethiopian cuisine.
  3. Check out some gaming joints and do some bowling for a few hours.
  4. Spend the better part of the night enjoying live bands, jazz or clubbing. Alternatively, …
  5. You can start in the Nairobi National Park for an experience in the wild.
  6. Have a lunch picnic
  7. Spend some time in a spa… (there are all types of Spas in Nairobi.)
  8. The best Golf Clubs are in Nairobi – grab a stick and hit balls with other mothers.

Should none of the above interest your Mom senses, then you are most likely a lover of serenity and art. You can, therefore…


Enjoy visiting Galleries to buy art pieces.

media gallery

One way of showing a mother that they are special is through art. Art has a way of touching the deepest parts of the human soul. You may want to check out the following galleries in Nairobi City and spend time interacting with art before stopping for a cup of coffee in an exotic coffee shop.

  1. African Heritage House Museum
  2. Nairobi Gallery
  3. Karen Village
  4. Banana Gallery
  5. One-off Contemporary Gallery

There is depth in art that only a lover of art can understand. You are this kind of Mom or your Mom is one of them, 2024 Mothers’ Day is the day you explore that artsy side. And Finally, …


Burn Rubber across Kenya’s Great Rift Valley

road trip

Take the road not taken and enjoy the picturesque landscapes of Kenya. A planned Road Trip across the Great Rift Valley has always been an epic experience. Kenya is vast and beautiful, you cannot have enough of it. The roads are endless and the people you will meet along the road will make you appreciate humanity. Kenyans are hospitable.

The lush green, the hills that spill into each other, the lakes and the entire countryside of Kenya will leave you reenergized for the rest of the year. What do you say to visit a castle at Nanyuki at the end of the day to remind yourself that there is a queen inside you despite the sweet chaos of motherhood?

For the 2024 Mother’s Day, I want a quiet full Breakfast, binging on travel Magazines, in a luxurious hotel in a private park like Ol Pejeta. What about you?

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