Culture - Come Travel Kenya Travelling in kenya Wed, 15 Nov 2023 12:42:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Culture - Come Travel Kenya 32 32 8 Amazing Facts About The Chonyi Of Kenya Wed, 15 Nov 2023 12:42:10 +0000 The Kenyan Coast has always been the dream destination for many tourists. It is a beautiful place. The Ocean is a magical treat, in addition to the ocean, white sands, exquisite cuisines and most importantly, the most hospitable people and the amazing coastal experience. The Kenyan Coast is laced with a good number of tribes.…

The post 8 Amazing Facts About The Chonyi Of Kenya first appeared on Come Travel Kenya.

The post 8 Amazing Facts About The Chonyi Of Kenya appeared first on Come Travel Kenya.

The Kenyan Coast has always been the dream destination for many tourists. It is a beautiful place. The Ocean is a magical treat, in addition to the ocean, white sands, exquisite cuisines and most importantly, the most hospitable people and the amazing coastal experience.

The Kenyan Coast is laced with a good number of tribes. The Mijikenda make up the largest tribe, a combination of nine subtribes.

Come Travel Kenya has already introduced you to the Giriama – one of the largest tribes among the Mijikenda. It is time to meet the smallest tribe, with a very rich and mysterious culture – the Chonyi.

The Chonyi are famously known for their sweet music and tantalizing cuisines besides the Mvula Rain Making sect that is most revered. Below are 8 facts that Come Travel Kenya compiled for you. You can always encounter the Chonyi in person, Come Travel Kenya can plan that for you:

Do you love Paranormal? Chonyi People exhume the dead for rituals


You read it right. If you love horror stories that are close to truth, and paranormal does not give you jibes, read on. Later, contact Come Travel Kenya and plan a trip to witness, or better hear the tales from the horse’s lips.

The Wazee, (old men), also known as Watu wa Mvua (Rain people) are the most revered men from the Chonyi tribe and the rest of the coastal tribes. They are known to be the protectors of the Chonyi. They do it using rituals, which entail exhuming a cadaver and including parts of it in a meal they share. If you thought witchcraft was not real, the Chonyi will prove you wrong.

Is it a cult? You will have to find out on your own on the ground. Come Travel Kenya got you on that.

Chonyi People originated from Shungwaya

somali coast

Shungwaya is North of the Somali Coast. Their main enemies are the Oromo- another amazing tribe from the coast. The Oromo have kept pushing the Chonyi away and now they are settled in small Kayas along the Coastal Ridge.

Come Travel Kenya is set to get you to the villages to have the Kaya experience.

Music and Dance for the people and gods

The Chonyi people have a special type of music that they play on a Xylophone. They call it ‘Chiring’ong’o.  It is the most therapeutic sound you will ever listen to.  The beats are intricate and the dance very systematic. The songs are only played on request by renowned Chiring’ong’o players. It is a delight to listen to the music, watch the dances and down chilled local palm brew.

Come Travel Kenya offers amazing coastal tours and interacting with the Chonyi is one of the best experiences.

The Chonyi are the Smallest but the most feared tribe on the Kenyan Coast

As mentioned earlier, the Mvula Sect is the reason Chonyi is feared by all the coastal tribes. They are believed to be lethal witches who bring pain and misery to those who cross their path. This could be true or false. There is only one way of finding out – A trip to the Kenyan Coast, arranged by Come Travel Kenya.

The Chonyi Special Rodent Delicacy

cooked rat

You read that right, there is a tribe in Kenya that dine on rats and mice. The Kadzora Species is the delicacy that leaves many mouths gaping in surprise when served but later, wet with a desire for more after tasting it. I am yet to taste the Kadzora rat but it is on my bucket list – I must.

Come Travel Kenya offers you an opportunity to taste a Kadzora roasted with a special technique they call Pambo. I bet you will enjoy it!

This is not the only Chonyi delicacy, these small tribe has a whole set of 22 traditional dishes that will tantalize your taste buds.

The Chonyi, a population of less than 200,000 polite, and extremely hospitable yet mentioned in whispers are a tribe you want to interact with. If you are enthusiastic about indigenous tribes, then this is a place to start.

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Giriama People Of Kenya Tue, 07 Nov 2023 15:14:36 +0000 Whenever you mention Giriama, I see the intricate footwork in their dance, the gyrating on the supple waists of beautiful and shapely women, the percussion and the musical lilts of the Kayamba. Giriama people of Coastal Kenya are fun, polite and deeply rooted in their cultures. The Giriama people of Kenya are a culturally rich…

The post Giriama People Of Kenya first appeared on Come Travel Kenya.

The post Giriama People Of Kenya appeared first on Come Travel Kenya.

Whenever you mention Giriama, I see the intricate footwork in their dance, the gyrating on the supple waists of beautiful and shapely women, the percussion and the musical lilts of the Kayamba. Giriama people of Coastal Kenya are fun, polite and deeply rooted in their cultures.

The Giriama people of Kenya are a culturally rich and diverse community with a long history of traditions, art, and customs. Their unique way of life is characterised by their language, traditional dwellings, music, initiation rites, religious beliefs, and strong ties to family and community. Through festivals and oral traditions, the Giriama people continue to pass down their heritage to future generations, ensuring the preservation of their cultural legacy for years to come.

Below are 6 amazing facts about this tribe, and the best part is that Come Travel Kenya has a plan of getting to the Coast and immersing you in the juices of these facts.

They are the largest tribe of the 9 Mijikenda tribes.


Mijikenda directly translates to nine towns. This means that in Coastal Kenya we have 9 Swahili tribes that coexist. These tribes include The Giriama, Kauma, Chonyi, Duruma Kambe, Ribe, Jibana, Rabai and Digo.

I will be looking at each tribe individually, filling you in with both mystic and mind-blowing facts about each of them. Now we look at the Giriama.

Of the nine tribes, Giriama has the largest population and is the most popular. They have the richest cultures and are spread across Lamu, Malindi and some parts of Tanzania.

The Practice of Spiritualism to date

Giriama still believes in ancestors and spirit forests. UNESCO recognises their spirit forests as a part of the cultures that should be reserved. In the dense forest, they bury their dead and erect wooden carvings that are well decorated, where the spirit of the dead resides.

The carvings are called Vigango. They are so well decorated that sometimes people buy them for good luck. Until recently, there was a demand that the Vigango that were stolen during the colonial period and had been kept in Museums in London should be returned. You should hear the tale of the Vigango yourself as you down cold palm beer. Come Travel Kenya can plan this for you.

They Own the Makayas


Makayas are shelters built and protected by UNESCO in the dense coastal forests. They are spiritual sites. Rituals to counter calamity, appoint tribal leaders, and give thanks to ancestral deities happen here. The Makaya are home of the Koma – Ancestral Deities.

Every week, Giriama elders visit the Makaya to offer sacrifices. They slaughter an animal and offer palm wine. Only special people go to the site. Do you think you can stand the mystic creepiness of Makaya in the forest? Come Travel Kenya is willing to give you that experience.

Their Music and Dance is one of the Best in Coastal Kenya

The Giriama are famously known for their music and dance. the women dance so well, in their colourful wrappers. The music is calm and well-arranged. The men play instruments and compose songs. They have dances for every occasion including funerals, wedding ceremonies and initiation celebrations.

Come Travel Kenya is always in contact with the Giriama and will organize a Kaya experience with various Giriama families.

Mekatilili Wa Menza is from Giriama


The first female revolutionist against the colonial era, Mekatilili Wa Menza is from Giriama. She was the only daughter in a family of five boys. She staged a rebellion against the colonialists in the early 18th Century, suffered imprisonment and mysteriously escaped from prisons with the aid of rituals.

She was fighting against cultural erosion and forced labour. Come Travel Kenya is offering you a chance to interact with the descendants of one of the fiercest women worriers that are fondly remembered to date.

Giriama Cuisines

Did you know Giriamas make their stew from whales – commonly known as Papa? I was equally mesmerized. The Giriama Fishermen reek of courage. They have a fishing ritual that will blow your mind. There are tales from the ocean that will leave you doubting the science that you know about.

A steaming bowl of peppered whale soup and Sima awaits.

And if you think the Giriama tribe is all Come Travel Kenya got to offer, wait until you listen to the Chiring’ong’o music swimming off the Chonyi tribe Xylophone.  Karibu Kenya.

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Kenya’s Coffee Culture Wed, 01 Nov 2023 15:55:09 +0000 Ask me what runs my body, and I will quickly say coffee without looking up from my screen. Coffee has always been my companion in writing. Whenever I go into intense writing, like I am doing now, I only accept love from a handsome, dark, tall, ceramic mug of coffee. I am particular about the…

The post Kenya’s Coffee Culture first appeared on Come Travel Kenya.

The post Kenya’s Coffee Culture appeared first on Come Travel Kenya.

Ask me what runs my body, and I will quickly say coffee without looking up from my screen. Coffee has always been my companion in writing. Whenever I go into intense writing, like I am doing now, I only accept love from a handsome, dark, tall, ceramic mug of coffee.

I am particular about the coffee that I drink. I only take Kenya coffee because I am Kenyan and, most importantly, because Kenyan coffee is beyond exotic. You can never get the sweetly intoxicating aroma, the thickness, or the deep flavours of coffee anywhere else.

The other day, I was walking around, tired and beat for working too hard, and then I stumbled on a Coffee Club. You know, something like a coffee bar. I blindly walk in, the aroma casting a spell on me. I could think of nothing else but grabbing a hot, dark, steaming cup in my hands, and taking in the hot scent of coffee. Darkest roasts you will ever taste! It was magical.

So here is why Come Travel Kenya is excited about giving you a coffee tour in Kenya:

Big Coffee Houses and Cafes like Java

java coffee

Did you know that Starbucks only sells Arabica Coffee? Did you know that Kenya is one of the countries that produces Arabica Coffee on a large scale? Chances are that when you step into Java or Starbucks in any country in Africa, you will be savouring Kenyan Beans. Why not take it from the source? Come Travel Kenya is prepared to take you round the country for an elaborate coffee adventure.

Kenya’s Coffee is grown in a special way


Strictly High Grown (SHG): SHG refers to coffee that is grown at high elevations, typically above 1,200 meters (around 4,000 feet) above sea level. Kenyan coffee is often cultivated at even higher elevations, ranging from 1,400 to 2,000 meters (approximately 4,600 to 6,600 feet) in the mountainous regions. The higher altitudes provide several advantages for coffee cultivation.

Come Travel Kenya offers you the advantage of visiting the beautiful coffee farms and getting to enjoy the sceneries besides hiking in the mountains and later, stopping for bubbling cups of dark intoxication.

Kenyan Coffee is natured in the coolest of regions

High elevations result in cooler temperatures, which slow down the maturation of coffee cherries. This extended growing period allows for the development of more complex flavors in the beans. The cooler temperatures also contribute to the development of higher acidity in the beans, a desirable characteristic in speciality coffee. Did you know this? I did not either…

Kenyan Coffee is ripened in Ideal Ripening Conditions

kenya coffee

The reduced oxygen at higher altitudes results in slower ripening of the coffee cherries, allowing them to mature more evenly and develop their full flavour potential. Imagine full flavours, dark roast, then brewed by experts: You simply want to get high on this mug, don’t you?

Kenyan coffee is Strictly Hard Bean (SHB):

The term SHB typically refers to coffee beans grown at high elevations, and Kenyan coffee fits this description perfectly. SHB beans tend to be denser and have a more complex flavour profile compared to beans grown at lower altitudes. The slower maturation and denser structure of SHB beans often make them highly sought after by coffee connoisseurs.

You will not find the Kind of Coffee Clubs in Kenya anywhere else in the world

kenya coffe

I can confidently say that Kenya is home of the classiest and exotic Coffee clubs. If you have not been to Cranes Coffee Club, then you have not tasted the Sirwo Roasts. This is a place of magic. Your senses will be awakened simply by the scents.  There is the Blixen Coffee Club and many more other Coffee houses in Kenya. If you are a City Lover, Nairobi is your explosion of Coffee Houses.

Kenyan coffee’s unique combination of high altitude, ideal climatic conditions, and the careful cultivation and processing methods employed by Kenyan coffee producers contribute to its exceptional quality and reputation in the coffee world. The resulting coffee is known for its bright acidity, fruity and floral notes, and a distinct, full-bodied flavour that is highly prized by coffee enthusiasts.

Come, join Come Travel Kenya on an extreme Coffee Safari. Let us get high on Kenyan Coffee.

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7 Amazing Facts About The Dorobo Forest Tribe Of Kenya Mon, 16 Oct 2023 07:09:26 +0000 You might not believe this: there is a forest tribe in Kenya in this century. The Dorobo – timid, shy, and lone people who live deep in the Mau and Mount Elgon forests—a tribe with a culture that is so rich yet unexplored. Come Travel Kenya is set to get you into the depths of…

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The post 7 Amazing Facts About The Dorobo Forest Tribe Of Kenya appeared first on Come Travel Kenya.

You might not believe this: there is a forest tribe in Kenya in this century. The Dorobo – timid, shy, and lone people who live deep in the Mau and Mount Elgon forests—a tribe with a culture that is so rich yet unexplored.

Come Travel Kenya is set to get you into the depths of Mau Forest for an encounter with the Dorobo Forest Tribe of Kenya. Dorobo tribe is also popularly known as the Ogiek, or Okiek – meaning hunter in Kalenjin.

Before then, here are seven Mysterious facts about this tribe that will blow your mind away:

They still survive largely on hunting and gathering

Mau Forest

Both men and women in this tribe are endowed with astute hunting, gathering, tracking and trapping techniques that help them to survive in the forest.

Though they sometimes have been forced to engage in traditional farming due to the encroachment of other tribes into the forest, the Dorobo still hunt for survival.

They have a unique technique of making bows and poisonous arrows that they use as hunting tools.

Who can imagine that in 2023, when the world is hurtling towards civilization, there is a whole tribe that has chosen to stay loyal to its survival roots to this very moment?


They only use herbal medicine

honey and herbs

Dorobos believe in honey and herbs. Honey and herbs cure all their ailments. The men spend a lot of their time curving bee hives from hollow tree trunks. They also have underground bees that make what they call medicinal honey, which is not so sweet and less dense.

They mix honey with herbs to cure most of their ailments. Dorobos don’t believe in hospitals. The forest heals them just as they try healing it when other communities harm the forest. Their diet is also loaded with herbs that help in digestion. This is a smart way of keeping lifestyle diseases at bay.


They believe the forest is alive

Come Travel Kenya, upon interaction with these peculiar people, discovered that the Dorobo talks to the forest. They invoke the spirits of the forest for protection and cooperation. One confirmed to Come Travel Kenya that they believe that the forests are alive and the relationship between man and trees should be symbiotic. The animals are equally important. According to the Dorobo, when a tribe takes good care of the forest, the forest feeds the tribe forever. It is two-way.

Mankind should borrow this philosophy and embrace it. This belief has gone a long way in conserving the Mau Forest which is the natural habitat of the Dorobo people.


They have an array of peculiar gods


Which tribe doesn’t? Every indigenous tribe has its own set of gods and beliefs. The Dorobos have the most intense that Come Travel Kenya has encountered. Their rituals are spine-chilling.

This one can only be witnessed, describing in writing won’t give the deserving justice. Come, let us walk you into the Mau forest for an intense cultural and ritualistic encounter with the Dorobos.


Maasai believe Dorobos and the poorest people

maasai people

Just because they don’t own cattle, the pastoralists, especially Maasai believe that Dorobos are the poorest people on earth. The name ‘Dorobo’, is derogatory, meaning extremely poor.

Come Travel Kenya discovered that Dorobos don’t value material possessions. They value survival. Originally, they lived a day at a time, fostering close relations and friendships.

The thick web of family and relations that they have created, enables them to keep to themselves and survive all right.

Dorobo People may be the original owners of Kenya.


Yep! There is no evidence showing they moved in from anywhere. Every other tribe in Kenya found the Dorobos hear. They are therefore the original owners of Kenya, yet they are so marginalized.

Other tribes kept clearing the forest and pushing them deeper into the forests. Since they can’t harm forests, they try to hide deeper into them. The government is still finding it difficult to resettle the Dorobo out of the forest.

It is like getting fish out of the sea. Can they survive outside the forest?

Maybe you should come find out. Come Travel Kenya will organize your trip.

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10 Plus 2 Mystical Places You Want To Visit When In Kenya Wed, 20 Sep 2023 07:32:15 +0000 Mystical places add salt and pepper to the mysteries of life. Are you the kind that loves venturing into the paranormal? Do stories of death, the afterlife and possibilities of mystic forces entice you? Come Travel Kenya has lined up 10 mystical places that you will love visiting when you come to Kenya. Check them…

The post 10 Plus 2 Mystical Places You Want To Visit When In Kenya first appeared on Come Travel Kenya.

The post 10 Plus 2 Mystical Places You Want To Visit When In Kenya appeared first on Come Travel Kenya.

Mystical places add salt and pepper to the mysteries of life. Are you the kind that loves venturing into the paranormal? Do stories of death, the afterlife and possibilities of mystic forces entice you?

Come Travel Kenya has lined up 10 mystical places that you will love visiting when you come to Kenya. Check them out below:

The Archeo-astromical Site of Namoratunga


If you love the study of rituals and sacrifice offerings, then here is a site for your quest. The 7-star system of stone pillars surrounded by nearly 20,000 stone rings is a mystery. Who knows what happened here?

The exact age of the Namoratunga site is a subject of ongoing research and debate. Radiocarbon dating and archaeological evidence suggest that it was constructed by ancient pastoralist communities, possibly the ancestors of the Turkana people, between 300 BCE and 300 CE. This would make it one of the oldest known astronomical observatories in sub-Saharan Africa.

In addition to its potential astronomical functions, the site may have held cultural or ritual importance for the ancient people who constructed it. Some researchers believe that it could have been associated with burial practices or other ceremonies.

A drive from Nairobi to Lake Turkana is an experience of a kind, and there is the Loile Spring – a whole mystical experience.

The Haunted Pillars of Mbaraki



The “Haunted Pillars of Mbaraki” is a term that is associated with a mysterious and eerie phenomenon in the Mbaraki area of Mombasa, Kenya. These pillars, known for their unsettling reputation, have captured the imagination of locals and visitors alike. The pillars themselves are remnants of an unfinished building project that dates back to the colonial era.

The pillars are the only remains of a construction project that began during the colonial period, around the early 20th century. The project was never completed, and only the pillars were left standing.

Over the years, the site has gained a reputation for being haunted, and it has become the subject of local folklore. Many stories and legends surround the area, often involving supernatural occurrences and ghostly apparitions. Visitors to the site have reported various strange and eerie experiences, including unexplained sounds, apparitions, and feelings of unease. These reports have contributed to the site’s reputation as a haunted location.

In addition to its reputation as a haunted site, the Mbaraki area also holds cultural significance for the local community. It has been the site of various rituals and ceremonies.


Visitors interested in the supernatural or those seeking an unusual experience often visit the site.

The Shape-shifting Swamp of Ondiri

ondiri swamp


The swamp of Ondiri is an epic place. It is like walking on natural buoyance. There have been rumours that those who sunk in the swamp were found in other places very far from the swamp. This quaking bog is a wonder of nature that gives you this wobbly sinking feeling whenever you walk around it.

It requires an adrenaline junkie to go walking across this swamp. The scenery at Ondiri is beautiful and extremely picturesque. A picture of yourself, horrified with the sinking feel against a great background would make an epic postcard.

Ondiri Swamp is the second largest and deepest wetland after Doula of Cameroon.

Mystical Places: Indestructible Koma Rock

once upon a time, there was need for a Road to go through this rocky area of Ukambani. The Koma Rock was to be moved. Sacrifices were offered to appease the ancestors, to have it moved. Not even the biggest bulldozers could make Koma Rock budge. The road had to be abandoned.

Come Travel Kenya can plan a trip down the abandoned road to Koma Rock, which is now a ritual site and a shrine.

The Cryptic Writings of Mastigulu Rock

It is still impossible to decipher the cryptic writings on the Mastigulu rocks. You may want to help the archeologists working on the site. The rock is in the shape of a gaping coffin. Coming here feels like walking into a mystic Halloween. People come here to tempt death… on a light note.

The Terrible- Fly of Ukasi Rock

ukasi fly


The wingless fly is the center of attraction here. It is in the category of the instinct creatures only that it can be found here in Kenya. if your paranormal antennae go up when creepy, mysterious creatures, then you can visit the Ukasi Rock. The area is currently under government protection and only prior arrangements can be made to be here.

Contact Come travel Kenya for this wild adventure on this towering rock.

The Haunted Crater of Menengai


Imagine getting lost in a cave for days and coming back too shocked to even narrate what happened to you. This is not meant to scare you; it’s meant to pique your curiosity. Come visit, just don’t get lost.

Menengai is the largest caldera in the whole world. Here, you see the striking views of lake Bogoria and Nakuru.

The crater hosts a haunted cave. The cave was a historical battle ground for the two rival Maasai tribes – Laikipia and Ilpurko. The souls of dead Morans from the battles still roam in the cave.

Authors should come here and camp to write.

Skull Caves of Taita

The Wasangalla and Wadawida of Taita had this weird culture of detaching heads from the the dead bodies of prominent people and burying them in caves. Skulls are said to be very important in these two community, thus they would exhume the bodies after a year to take the skulls into the caves.

This is still a revered Taita culture but visitors are allowed to visit the caves for chills and tales. Come listen to some of these tales.

Milky Curse of Marafa



The locals call it the ‘Devil’s Kitchen’. In local language it is called Nyari. The stalactites and stalagmites, gorges and gullies gives these caves an epic aura of awe and mystery. The landscapes are so beautiful, normally compared to the Bison and Arizona Grand Canyon.

Come Travel Kenya will organize a moment of a mythical tale told about the milky white color of the caves.

Death Rock of Shomoto

The Taitas of Kenya are an intriguing tribe. They have the scariest myths and legend stories in their closets that are always roaming skeletons. Did you know they threw thieves down the Shomoto Cliff after pounding their hands into pulp? Sorcerers faced the same predicament. Now, people visit the Death rock of Shomoto for rituals and stories.

The Simbi Nyaima Lake



Imagine a whole village swallowed by a Lake. Simbi Nyaima is a beautiful place. But beauty hides gory stories. The people of Simbi were unkind to an old woman, who was meant to warn them about a storm that created the Simbi Nyaimaa Lake and buried the whole village. Only one widow was saved to tell the story that has been told generation after generation. Simbi Nyaima is a bird watching haven hidden in Kendu Bay.

Come, lets organize a friends or colleagues kayaking party on this mysterious lake.

The Lost City of Gedi


Nobody knows why the town of Gedi was abandoned. It is like people just packed and left, no warnings, no explanations. The stories that spin out of this abandonment is what makes the lost city of Gedi special. Come Travel Kenya will find you people to tell you the stories you want to hear.

Besides, Malindi is a beautiful place to be. You will love the pristine beaches and the out of this world hospitality you will be given by the people.

Kenya is not all about the animals and the wild. The safaris are awesome and Come Travel Kenya loves planning those for you. However, there is this other whole unexplored sphere of mysteries in the physical features and culturally. Don’t miss out. So, when should we plan this paranormal extravaganza for you?

Writer: Emily K.

The post 10 Plus 2 Mystical Places You Want To Visit When In Kenya first appeared on Come Travel Kenya.

The post 10 Plus 2 Mystical Places You Want To Visit When In Kenya appeared first on Come Travel Kenya.

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Traveling to Kenya on a Budget Sat, 05 Aug 2023 08:04:58 +0000 Writer: Emily.K. Kenya, a captivating country in East Africa, has diverse landscapes, fascinating wildlife, and a rich cultural heritage. Many travelers dream of exploring its savannahs, lush forests, and pristine beaches, but concerns about expenses might hold them back. Fear not! With careful planning and a few tips, it is entirely possible to experience the…

The post Traveling to Kenya on a Budget first appeared on Come Travel Kenya.

The post Traveling to Kenya on a Budget appeared first on Come Travel Kenya.

Writer: Emily.K.

Kenya, a captivating country in East Africa, has diverse landscapes, fascinating wildlife, and a rich cultural heritage. Many travelers dream of exploring its savannahs, lush forests, and pristine beaches, but concerns about expenses might hold them back. Fear not!

With careful planning and a few tips, it is entirely possible to experience the wonders of Kenya without straining your budget. Come Travel Kenya, guides you through some essential tips and cost-saving strategies to make your dream trip to Kenya a reality without breaking the bank.

Timing is Everything


Choosing the right time to visit Kenya can significantly impact your budget. The country has two main tourist seasons: the high season and the low season. The high season, usually from June to September and December to January, attracts more tourists, leading to higher accommodation and tour prices. Consider visiting during the shoulder seasons, such as March to May or October to November, when the weather is still pleasant, and prices are lower.

Come Travel Kenya has custom-made itineraries for both high and low seasons. Both are fun and exotic. Let your pocket pick for you.

Affordable Accommodation Options


While Kenya offers luxury lodges and resorts, there are plenty of budget-friendly accommodation options that provide comfortable and safe stays. Backpacker hostels, guesthouses, and budget hotels can be found in major cities and tourist destinations.

Come Travel Kenya is in partnership with a good number of hotels and Air BnB operators that will give you the fairest deals.

The deals you get from Come Travel Kenya are cozy and classy as well, besides being affordable.

Camping is also an excellent option for adventure seekers, as Kenya has many well-maintained campsites close to its national parks and reserves.

Should we start a camping plan for you? Come Travel Kenya is a button away.

Local Transportation


Transportation costs can eat up a significant portion of your budget, but there are ways to cut down on these expenses. Instead of expensive domestic flights, opt for local buses (matatus) or shared minibusses (matatus) for inter-city travel. They are not only more economical but also offer an authentic Kenyan experience.

For shorter distances, consider walking or cycling, which not only saves money but also allows you to explore the surroundings at your own pace.

Come Travel Kenya will arrange a transport method for you, inclusive of the whole package that you pick. We take our clients on prepaid safaris, with company vehicles. We also have partnerships with local airlines and we can get a good air transport deal for you still.

Delicious and Affordable Food


Sampling Kenyan cuisine is a must for any traveler, and luckily, it’s possible to do so on a budget. Street food markets and local eateries offer delicious and authentic dishes at a fraction of the cost you’d pay at upscale restaurants. Don’t miss trying staples like ugali, chapati, and nyama choma (grilled meat). Staying hydrated is essential, so remember to drink filtered water or carry a reusable water bottle to refill from trusted sources.

Come Travel Kenya will give you a free hotel guideline to help you choose the best but most affordable diners in various cities and towns.

Embrace Free and Low-Cost Activities

Kenya’s natural beauty and vibrant culture offer numerous free and low-cost activities to keep you entertained. Many national parks, such as Nairobi National Park, offer affordable entrance fees, and some even have free entry days. Explore local markets, join community events, or visit cultural centers to learn about traditional music, dance, and crafts without spending a fortune.

Bargain and Negotiate


Bargaining is a common practice in Kenya, especially in local markets and souvenir shops. Don’t hesitate to negotiate prices politely but confidently. Engaging in friendly banter with the locals can lead to significant savings on your purchases and even help you strike better deals for activities and tours.

Have a Tour Operator Planning Your Travel

A tour operator helps you get the best out of your trip. They help you tie loose ends and get the fairest prices on basic needs. They will also be responsible for your safety in the country. Don’t risk it, especially if it is your first time in the country.

Come Travel Kenya is here solely for making your traveling an exciting and affordable adventure.


Traveling to Kenya on a budget is entirely feasible with careful planning, flexibility, and a willingness to embrace local experiences. By choosing the right time to visit, opting for budget accommodations, using local transportation, savoring affordable cuisine, and engaging in free or low-cost activities, you can explore Kenya’s wonders without breaking the bank. Prepare yourself for an unforgettable journey filled with breathtaking landscapes, extraordinary wildlife encounters, and heartwarming interactions with the warm and welcoming people of Kenya. Happy travels!

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Are You Looking For An Opportunity To Travel For A Cause? Thu, 27 Jul 2023 07:24:04 +0000 In a world driven by wanderlust and a desire to explore diverse cultures and breathtaking landscapes, tourism has become an integral part of our lives. It opens doors to new experiences, creates cherished memories, and broadens our perspectives. However, a growing movement within the travel industry transcends the conventional notion of tourism – a movement…

The post Are You Looking For An Opportunity To Travel For A Cause? first appeared on Come Travel Kenya.

The post Are You Looking For An Opportunity To Travel For A Cause? appeared first on Come Travel Kenya.

In a world driven by wanderlust and a desire to explore diverse cultures and breathtaking landscapes, tourism has become an integral part of our lives. It opens doors to new experiences, creates cherished memories, and broadens our perspectives.

However, a growing movement within the travel industry transcends the conventional notion of tourism – a movement that blends adventure with altruism, and wanderlust with purpose. Come Travel Kenya welcomes you to the world of “Tourism for Charity.”

How do we go about this? Below are some charity activity suggestions that Come Travel Kenya will help you take up or participate in, every time you chose us as your travel agent.

Community-based reach outs:

charity work

While traditional tourism satisfies our longing for leisure and relaxation, tourism for charity goes beyond personal gratification. It taps into the incredible power of travel to transform lives, not just for tourists, but also for the communities they visit. This novel approach to exploring the world is centered on the idea of giving back, making a positive impact, and leaving behind more than just footprints.

Every time you pay for a service from Come Travel Kenya a dollar goes towards the betterment of the community that you will be touring.

Ending Period Poverty

Come Travel Kenya is cognizant of the plight of girls and women in third world countries especially in Africa. Come Travel Kenya is now geared towards discovering the extraordinary initiatives that allow travelers to combine their passion for exploration with a genuine desire to contribute to social causes. We will delve into how individuals and organizations harness the potential of responsible travel to address pressing global challenges, promote sustainable development, and uplift the lives of marginalized communities and individuals, especially young girls and women.

For this reason, a dollar from your travel expenses will be given to a needy girl or woman to acquire sanitary towels.

Come Travel Kenya also gives Dignity Kits loaded with Sanitary Towels, Panties, Tissues Paper, Toiletry items, and other basic needs to school-going needy girls. Whenever you choose Come Travel Kenya as your travel agent, it trickles down to impact a life, touch a needy person and make the world a better place for someone.


Climate Change and Environmental Conservation

From ecotourism ventures supporting conservation efforts in pristine natural habitats to volunteerism opportunities that enable travelers to immerse themselves in local cultures and lend a helping hand to those in need, tourism for charity presents a remarkable fusion of purpose and pleasure.

We’ll explore heartwarming stories of travelers who have found profound fulfillment by engaging in projects that protect endangered species, empower disadvantaged communities, and foster cross-cultural understanding. Come Travel Kenya will engage in tree planting and a campaign about cleaning beaches.

Beyond simply writing a check to a charity from the comfort of home, this paradigm of travel activism emphasizes direct involvement and meaningful engagement with the causes travelers are passionate about. It sparks a spirit of camaraderie, connecting like-minded individuals from all corners of the globe, united by a shared commitment to creating a better world through travel.

Join Come Travel Kenya as we embark on this thought-provoking expedition into the world of tourism for charity, where the joy of exploration converges with the joy of giving. Together, we will discover how travel becomes a force for positive change and a powerful tool for building a more compassionate and sustainable future when infused with a purposeful mission.

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Don’t Miss Out – The World’s Most Difficult Safari Rally Tue, 20 Jun 2023 02:41:15 +0000 Writer: Emily K You might be thinking it is too late to have a Travel agent plan your visit to Kenya for the World Rallying Championship that is set to happen from the 22nd to the 25th of June, 2023, in Naivasha Kenya. Well, it is not too late. You still have a day or…

The post Don’t Miss Out – The World’s Most Difficult Safari Rally first appeared on Come Travel Kenya.

The post Don’t Miss Out – The World’s Most Difficult Safari Rally appeared first on Come Travel Kenya.

Writer: Emily K

You might be thinking it is too late to have a Travel agent plan your visit to Kenya for the World Rallying Championship that is set to happen from the 22nd to the 25th of June, 2023, in Naivasha Kenya. Well, it is not too late. You still have a day or two to call Come Travel Kenya to take care of your travel needs for this three-day fun vacation in Kenya. You are better off with a travel agent especially if you attending an event of such magnitude for the first time. Come Travel Kenya got your back, if you don’t have one in mind already.

safari Rally

Naivasha is approximately 90 Kilometers from Nairobi City. It is a one-and-a-half-hour drive, so you can stay in Nairobi and attend the WRC event in Naivasha. It is also important to note that Naivasha is sandwiched between Nairobi and Nakuru cities. For you to get the maximum out of this trip, you need a trip advisor and agent who will help you pick the choicest range of activities. Come Travel Kenya will help you enjoy all the crevices of Naivasha, besides the safari Rally which will be the topping on the cake.

With a travel agent, you will have the following taken care of for you:

  • Transport logistics between the cities and the venue of the rally.
  • Your accommodation
  • Your camping possibilities
  • You will get a chance to explore other attraction sites available in Naivasha and its environs besides the Rally.
  • You will receive advice on the best places to dine and cuisines that are worth exploring.
  • You will get protection and security provided by the agent.
  • A local guide to aid you navigate between the two cities.

Unlike Nairobi City, Nakuru, which is closer to Naivasha, is more of a Countryside City. It is a way laid back urban giant, exuding opulence and class. I bet by now you know about the beautiful flamingoes of Lakes Nakuru, Elementaita, and Naivasha. With a Travel Agent, you will be able to explore the two cities better.

Naivasha is a beautiful town. It has the best landscapes and a picturesque environment. The lakes, the wildlife, the lifestyle, all in one place. If you are looking for a quiet place to have your vacation in Kenya, then Naivasha is the place to be. Beyond the World Rally Championship, Come Travel Kenya is capable of arranging a travel itinerary for you.

Safari rally

The World Rallying Championship being held in Naivasha, Kenya this year has resulted in a wave of excitement and anticipation. Every Rally enthusiast is looking forward to being in Naivasha. Without a tour agent, you might end up on the wrong side of town. It is risky to visit this vibrant town without a proper agent to take responsibility for your stay for those days.

Prices will be escalating due to demand. Since the population will be high in Naivasha and the neighboring cities and towns, a travel agent who knows exactly where and how to get services, especially accommodation and hospitality services will come in handy. Come Travel Kenya has an elaborate list of clientele that gives priority to our guests at pocket-friendly rates. Let us do the groundwork for you and help you enjoy every detail of the event without a single worry or care in the world.

Rally champion

Did you know it is the most difficult rally in the whole world?  If speed, navigation, and flying dust give you the thrill of life, you should contact Come Travel Kenya and start packing your bags. Your next destination, before the 22nd of June is Naivasha Kenya.

You are not too late.

The post Don’t Miss Out – The World’s Most Difficult Safari Rally first appeared on Come Travel Kenya.

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Let Us Do A Kenyan Country Safari – Karibu Kitale! Tue, 16 May 2023 13:23:59 +0000 Kenya is a vast country. It is not all about the Maasai Mara and Amboseli.  It is more that the beautiful Coastal Beaches. You probably have heard of the big cities, Nairobi, Mombasa, Nakuru, and Kisumu already.  Kenya has a lot more to offer. Are you tired of the noise in the cities? Are you…

The post Let Us Do A Kenyan Country Safari – Karibu Kitale! first appeared on Come Travel Kenya.

The post Let Us Do A Kenyan Country Safari – Karibu Kitale! appeared first on Come Travel Kenya.

Kenya is a vast country. It is not all about the Maasai Mara and Amboseli.  It is more that the beautiful Coastal Beaches. You probably have heard of the big cities, Nairobi, Mombasa, Nakuru, and Kisumu already.  Kenya has a lot more to offer.

Are you tired of the noise in the cities? Are you experiencing burnout and you wish to find a place to go on vacation and have a break from all the chaos? Are you looking for a quiet place to go with your small family? Are you a couple looking for some privacy in a distant quiet, but beautiful place to chill?

Kitale is your plug for the next holiday.

Kitale is a beautiful countryside town on the slopes of Mount Elgon, in Western Kenya. It is famous for being the stopover town for the Railway line from Uganda during colonial times. It is the hub of Agriculture in Kenya. Kitale is warm and sunny in most parts of the year and wet and cold when it rains.

So, what is in Kitale? Below are the fun-filled places and activities to do in Kitale town and its environment:

  1. Cuisine Sampling and Hotels

Kitale is a cosmopolitan town. It is a cocktail of cultures. It hosts Bukusus, Kalenjins, Kisii, kikuyu, and Luos. If you have a curious palate, then Kitale is your place to be. Here, fresh food from farms around, well cooked in a traditional way, will be served where you will be staying. You can choose from a variety of traditional cuisines from across Kenya and beyond.

There are a number of amazing hotels, including the Bamboo Hotel, The Midland Hotel, and Fera Hotel. Kitale Hotel is an old glory that you can check out. The Arturkan Hotel gives deluxe rooms, all recreational activities including swimming, spa, massage, and gym services.

My favorite place is Sirwo Hotel. It is far off town, executive with deluxe rooms and cabins to stay in. The staff is topnotch and their meals and hospitality are perfect.

Come Travel Kenya will definitely put you up in a perfect place to enjoy your stay in Kitale.

  1. Kitale Golf Club

kitale golf club

Golfers have themselves sorted here. This is a high-end club. Here, the who is who comes to relax, exchange ideas and make connections. The golf course did it for me. I loved the expansive fields and lash lawns.

The hotel services are way above tourist standards. There is a classy bar serving all sorts of whiskey brewed for years and beer from all over the world.

  1. Kitale Sports Center

Many international athletes come here to train. This is a place for a sportsperson to come to stay, enjoy morning runs, play all sorts of games, and retire to a good hotel for a hot meal and a cold beer.

I come here to watch Rugby and local football mostly. The experience is always amazing. The fun, the purging of emotions, and just open space.

  1. Mount Elgon National Park

mount elgon

The caves of Mount Elgon National Park are a thrill and a mystery you don’t want to miss. Growing up, stories were told of people disappearing in those caves. These myths made me curious to visit the caves and see what they are all about. They are a thrill.

If you don’t know how hair standing at the back of your hair feels like, come visit Elgon caves.

In the olden traditional days, people of that region dwelt in the caves, smelting iron and forging thunder spears. This is told in the Bukusu Mythology.

The elephants that come from Uganda to lick the salt on the walls of the caves are an intriguing thing to witness.

Mount Elgon National Park is a refreshing place to take a nature walk. Hiking is also so nice here. Contact Come Travel Kenya to tell you the right time when its dry enough for you to drive around the park easily.

  1. Saiwa National Park

saiwa national park

This is a small intimate park, a few kilometers away from Kitale town. It is an amazing Camping site. There is a lot of space for doing personal activities, a nature trail, and a tree house in case you want to sleep.  This is a place to bring a loved one if they are the adventurous type. When I came here first, I thought I had walked into the Tazarn Movie or Planet Earth episodes. The flowing swamp water sang to me. The search for the rare Sitatunga Gazelle was grand.

The camp huts make it easy to sit up the whole night, without the fear of animals or weather changes.  Ask Come Travel Kenya to make arrangements as to when the Tree House will be available for booking.

  1. Lake Turkana Road Trip

This is always the height of the Kitale tours. Turkana is way beyond Kitale and the trip will take you through West Pokot County as well. Turkana requires time. It has scenic places to visit, a beach, a spring, a number of archeological sites, and the breathtaking Lake Turkana. The people of Turkana are rich in their culture as well.  should you visit in December, then you are likely to witness the Edong’a Dance of the Turkana.

So, when should Come Travel Kenya start creating an itinerary for your Kitale Vacation? Contact us for this arrangement.


author – Emily

The post Let Us Do A Kenyan Country Safari – Karibu Kitale! first appeared on Come Travel Kenya.

The post Let Us Do A Kenyan Country Safari – Karibu Kitale! appeared first on Come Travel Kenya.

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Are You a Lover of History, culture, and Archeology? Sun, 14 May 2023 08:27:08 +0000 Kenya is known to be the cradle of the early man. There has never been a satisfactory explanation of the evolution of man. The quest to prove that man existed in certain forms, thousands of years ago is still an important quest. So, are you an archeologist in the making? Are you curious about the…

The post Are You a Lover of History, culture, and Archeology? first appeared on Come Travel Kenya.

The post Are You a Lover of History, culture, and Archeology? appeared first on Come Travel Kenya.

Kenya is known to be the cradle of the early man. There has never been a satisfactory explanation of the evolution of man. The quest to prove that man existed in certain forms, thousands of years ago is still an important quest.

So, are you an archeologist in the making? Are you curious about the origin of man? Are you interested in knowing what the great archeologists like the Leakey family are: Richard Leakey, Mary Leakey, Meave Leakey, and Richard Leakey? Did you know about the British Archeologist Glynn Isaac? What about the Kenyan Kamoya Kimeu who worked closely with the Leakey family in discovering the Zinjathropas?

Here are the top 16 Archeological Sites every Evolution enthusiast should visit in Kenya.

  1. Koobi Fora

This is located at the East of Lake Turkana. Remember Turkana County is the cradle of man. This is where the early man resided. The stone tools, fossils, and traces of the early hominids were found here. Koobi Fora is considered the most important Archeological Site in Africa.

  1. Fort Jesus

fort jesus

You Know the Kenyan Coast is the home of everything, including the greatest history. Fort Jesus is a UNESCO world heritage site. Fort Jesus is remembered as a place of Arab wars and trade. It is the home of Swahili culture. This intrigues me the most. I can never get enough of the stories that are told from here. When you come to Mombasa, ask Come Travel Kenya to give you a tour of Fort Jesus, among other amazing historical places on the Coast.

  1. Gedi Ruins

The Gedi Ruins are in Malindi. Did I mention Malindi is the most picturesque place on the Kenyan Coast? It is also the home of the best Hotels, that offer the out of this world hospitality, to the guests. The Cuisine is just perfect, and you can Land in Malindi from Jomo Kenyatta International Airport.

Gedi ruins goes down history as the home of the 12th Century Swahili lifestyle. It has mosques and Places that are over 1000 years old. You definitely want to see this.

  1. Hyrax Hill

Nakuru City is an agricultural town. It is famously known as the sinking town. It is situated in the Rift Valley. Actually, most Archeological sites are along the Great Rift Valley. Hyrax is just one of them. Leakey’s findings are reserved here.

  1. Timlich Ohinga

The oldest structures of mankind’s homes are preserved here. The traditional homes are over 500 years old. Timlich is the most important home structure in the whole of East Africa. It is located in Migori County. Migori is near Kisumu City.

  1. Rusinga Island

rusinga island

Rusinga Island is on Lake Victoria, Locally Known as The Namlowe. Here, there is an archeological museum of the hominids, stone tools, and the giant carnivorous bird that is believed to be extinct now. The rock art stood out for me. You can’t believe how the early primate was creative. You get to visit the floating library and dine on a ship. How is that? The Rusinga Lodge is a slice of heaven. You should be sending Come Travel Kenya an email for bookings already.

  1. Mfangano Island

Still on Lake Victoria, this is the home of rock arts, stone tools, and proof of the stone age. It is an open place for further research and you can hone your archeological skills here. Who knows, you can make the next discovery.

  1. Kariandusi

This is in Naivasha. As I mentioned earlier, the Great Rift Valley is the home of all archeology. There is a geothermal plant here as well as a hot water geyser.  Scientists will have the time of their life here. The fossils here date back over 500,000 years. Can you imagine that?

  1. Olorgaesaille

Glynn Isaac specialized in his archeology here. It is in the rift valley as well. Stone Age tools were discovered here, as fossils, and evidence of fire as well. This place has fossils from a million years ago and it is very important in Africa.

  1. Rabai

Hello Christians! This is the home of Christian history in Kenya. The earliest Christian church was based here in the 16th Century. Recently, it is a pilgrimage site.

  1. Kilembe Ruins

Kilembe is in Taita Taveta County, on the Taita Hills. It is as old as 3000 years. It is a discovery of the culture and way of life of the early man.

  1. Nariokotome


This is also along the Great Rift Valley, in Turkana County. The famous Turkana Boy was discovered here in 1984. There is evidence of the Home-erectus existing here over 1.5 million years ago.

  1. Lothagan

This is also in Turkana. Remember Turkana is the cradle of man, right? The evolution of hominids is stored here. Turkana has a wide range of archeological work still going on. You can be a part of it if you are really an enthusiast. Come Travel Kenya got you for your traveling arrangements remember.

  1. Ololosakwan

The name tells you this is in Maasai Land. The archeological site of Ololosakwan is in Narok County. It has evidence of early dating back to 3000 years ago. There are geometric patterns and evidence of a rich culture in the past.

  1. Kariakorini Cave

Extinct animals were found here in plenty. It is found in Taita Taveta. You can combine your visit with the Kilembe Ruins and heighten it with a safari around the Tsavo National Park. What do you say? Should Come Travel Kenya organize a Tsavo Safari for you, inclusive of the Archeological sites?

  1. Njoro River Cave

This cave is famously known for the oldest evidence of fire use. It is as old as 300,000 years. There were stone art and tools as well, discovered in this cave.

The thought of going down a gorge for archeological findings to me is thrilling already. I would love to walk into the mysterious caves as well. what about you? Should Come Travel Kenya organize an Archeological Trip for you? Reach us.

The post Are You a Lover of History, culture, and Archeology? first appeared on Come Travel Kenya.

The post Are You a Lover of History, culture, and Archeology? appeared first on Come Travel Kenya.

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