Month / May 2024

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  • machakos

    6 Places You Must Visit In Machakos County

    Writer: Watching water flow up a hill is a wonder to behold. All you need to do is ask Come Travel Kenya Limited for a Road Trip, from Nairobi City to Machakos County. Machakos County is amongst the counties that are close to Nairobi. This implies that you can tour both Nairobi and Machakos…

  • 6 Travel Tips During The Rainy Season

    Writer: Rains make Kenyan Parks beautiful. It is not always flooding. The Flora and Fauna, during the rainy season blossom and flourish. Rain means enough food for Savannah browsers and a lot of hunting for the big cats. The rainy season has been marked with flooding but that does not mean that you cannot…

  • Mount Suswa conservancy

    5 Top Places To Visit In Narok County

    Writer:   Keyaa toi Ikanaabo! That is how you say ‘What’s Up People!’ in Maasai. Narok County is the home of the Maasai People of Kenya – The famous indigenous tribe of Kenya.  Narok County is simply stunning. It is endowed with striking sceneries, biodiversity and a picturesque landscape. The vast pieces of land…

  • mothers day

    5 Places To Go And Tons Of Things To Do For Ourselves And Our Moms On Mother’s Day In 2024

    Mothers’ Day is special for moms, aspiring moms, former moms, and women. Celebrating Motherhood should be done in style always. I don’t know which one of the following places or things I will be doing on Mother’s Day to celebrate myself yet. However, I know where I will take my mom and given a chance…